History of the Department

The Department started in the year 1973 as a re-activation of the earlier Diploma programme which started in 1957 during the Nigeria College of Arts and Science that had to be cancelled because of lack of qualified lecturers. The reactivation began with the Undergraduate B.Ed. programme to enable numerous NCE graduates from the University locality obtain their first degree in the field. Two years later, Diploma and B.Sc. (PHE) were introduced to produce Primary Schools teachers and provide staff for States Sports Councils and other sports clubs in the country. Extensive reorganization began since 1988/89 when the University converted the programmes into Semester system. The courses were reviewed, and in addition some courses found no more functional were dropped to increase quality and effectiveness of the programmes. Also the programme has been streamlined to offer single B.Sc. degree in Physical and Health Education rather than degrees in Physical Education and Health Education separately. This combination was left in the interest of the University locality at least for now, to allow Physical Education to survive since many would wish to avoid practicals, and therefore opt for Health Education.

Aim and Objectives

The programme is designed to produce competent personnel for the following purposes:

(a) To teach Physical Education, Health Education and Sports Sciences in Post-Primary Institutions.

(b) To organize schools Physical Fitness, Sports Training and Competition Programmes.

(c) To serve as sports organizers and secretaries in State Sports councils and other sports bodies.

(d) To prepare them to seek for advanced degrees in different related fields of Physical and Health Education to meet the manpower development needs of the nation.


The Department started in 1977 as a reactivation of the earlier Diploma programme which had started in 1957 during the Nigeria College of Art, and Science. The programmes was established to satisfy the need for higher level manpower in teaching, research, and sports administration. The philosophy of the department is thus hinged on the principle of imparting knowledge in physical and health education to men and women through the use of state of the art facilities and highly trained and disciplined manpower without prejudice to race, creed or political affiliation.