• Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum | Faculty of   Education

History of the Department


The department was created on 8th July, 2011 with split of the former education department into four. The former department came into existence in 1968.

The department of educational foundations and curriculum has B.Ed Administration and Planning as undergraduate academic programme. The department has six postgraduate programmes namely, Ph.D and M.Ed Educational Administration and Planning, Ph.D and M.Ed Curriculum and Instruction and Ph.D and M.Ed Instructional Technology.

The department has academic staff and non academic staff which are spread according to sections as follows:

1. Educational Administration and Planning

2. Curriculum and Instruction

3. Instructional Technology

3. Educational Foundation

The department has academic staff from FCE Zaria, Institute of Education, Find Arts Department and Mass Communication Department that assist in postgraduate programmes.


To abreast the learners with new skills in areas of educational management, curriculum and instructional technology through teaching, research and conferences; to bridge the gap between theory and practice of educational management and curriculum; to establish and foster national and international development through educational foundations and curriculum; to produce high level manpower needs of the catchment area, Nigeria and would at large to be able to cope with challenges that relate to educational foundation and curriculum.


The Department of Educational Foundations and Curriculum shall be a well established department capable of imparting knowledge in areas of educational management, curriculum planning and implementation, instructional technology and educational philosophy, to people irrespective of race and religious background, and generating new ideas relevant to the needs of Nigeria and would at large.